Sunday, August 24, 2008

Compassionate Thanksgiving

I've been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving; not just the yummy food I'm looking forward to (Tofurky, stuffing, mash potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc) but all the turkeys that have lived a life of misery only to be slaughtered for human consumption. As a kid, Thanksgiving was one of my favorite holidays. I loved how nearly every dish you could smother in gravy. Also, it was a holiday where everyone got together to eat and hang out. I'd starve myself all day until the big meal and then afterwards go into a food coma as the bloated-comatose dudes watched football. 

Last year I didn't even want to deal with Thanksgiving, so my husband and I went down to San Francisco for the holiday weekend. We had an amazing 5 course vegan feast at Millennium.  However, this year I've been thinking more and more about the turkeys and how I want to help them. I think my efforts are going to be three-fold; I want to raise awareness of the atrocities towards turkeys, raise funds to donate to a poultry sanctuary and lastly put on an entirely vegan Thanksgiving party for my vegan and non-vegan family and friends. I'm sure I will get a lot of resistance from the non-vegans; after all they wait an entire year to eat their tryptophan laced meal. I am going to start my campaign now, so that these non-vegans have time to contemplate their actions this holiday. 

Learn more about Turkeys (picture from UPC website)

In regards to the menu, here's what I've come up with so far (these are basic descriptions): 

- Pumpkin Curry Soup
- Whole Wheat Stuffing with sweet onions, mushrooms, apples, dried cranberries, pineapple and (maybe) walnuts
- Mushroom Gravy
- Corn pudding
- Sweet potato casserole (includes organic maple syrup and pecans)
- Chunky Cranberry Sauce 
- Mash Potatoes with dill and parsley 
- Tofurky Roast (purchased from store - FYI: Trader Joes has the BEST deal on these!!)
- Field Roast (purchased from the store)
- Cobbler (not sure of the fruit yet) with Rolled Oat topping
- Pumpkin Pie (this I think will be purchased at New Seasons since they make such an awesome vegan version)
- Salad 
- Green veggies (not sure as of yet)
- Corn Bread
and more....


Sham Sham Productions said...

wow... This sounds like the best T-day yet!! This is definitely an invitation to a flavor-sensation... Be prepared to be amazed!

The Pottering Artist said...

OMG what are we doing to our animals in this world. Thank you for posting this and the shocking picture for all to see. This cruelty has to stop. I support several animal rights charities. I am glad I found your blog. Alison